Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Nagging Knitter Podcast - Ep.2: Two's Company...

-Currently working on the same projects from last week... Updates will be made as work progresses...

-Stitch Markers will be available for purchase in my Etsy shop some time next month... We will also look forward to giving a set out in an upcoming giveaway... More info on that to follow...

Upcoming Events:
-First Stitch 'n Bitch Meetup is June 5th @ 6pm at Cafe Royal, then every wednesday evening from then on...


  1. Hi Misty
    I came here via Wolfe Farms.
    Very enjoyable first 2 episodes.
    Blocking can be done on the floor, but thick padding is needed to absorb liquid
    take care
    knitcroc on Plurk

    1. Thank you so much... Glad that you enjoyed the episodes, I hope that I can continue to make them entertaining.... I have a lot to learn, so therefore I hope I'll have a lot to show to the audience.... I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions for the experienced knitters out there, so I hope they're listening....

      -Keep On Knitting, Misty...
